Finished Ch 5!
Hooray! But I actually added another chapter, so I still have another chapter to work on. But, it's only the conclusion, so I think that will only take about an hour. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! After that, it's little nit picky detail work (Bibliography, adding more figures, adding more captions, table of contents revisions). Very nit picky, but oh so time consuming. Wish me good fortune and focus. Buh-Bye!
I'm proud. When are you are done, I'll cook dinner for you and Nate! ;-)
It's Tuesday. What have you accomplished since Sunday? Let's hear the good news!
Well, I basically finished all the rewrites. I have the meeting w/ the prog tonight, the biblio to update, a couple images to paste in and voila! I will Fedex it out tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't have to rewrite the whole darn thing again...
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