Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thoughts about Perfectionism

So, maybe I ought to care more about doing things "the right way." And maybe that is not ok in a lot of situations. Yeah, I understand how important one's image can be to potential employers, customers, friends, relatives, etc. and I understand the role that perfectionism plays in maintaining one's rep (i. e. people-pleasing, micromanaging processes not results).

I will tell you this right now...when I have to handle a contract with a vendor, I don't look at reputation or image-maintenance. There are plenty of businesses that look good but can't handle a project to save their lives. Just look at those Burger King ads; Slick design and good finish can't make up for a bizarre message delivery or ineffectual results. Do those ads really sell more burgers? I don't know anyone (besides me) who would go to Burger King for lunch EVER.

When I am working on a contract with a vendor, I examine price per item and the level of services provided per unit purchased and then overall price breaks for volume purchase. I don't care if the vendor is used by King Advertiser himself if that company won't bend over backwards to get my dollar, then I am not buiying from them. I don't need the job done perfectly. I need it done now, at 9pm tonight, you know? If I was chosing an assistant, I would probably pick someone who would stay until midnight taking care of business and then work out the typos and grammatical mistakes later.

It's funny because school always focused on micromanaging processes, which is probably why so many people turn into accountants or auditors right out of college. Yeah, society needs people like that, but not all the time, and it seems like fighting over the details and process is often more about the power struggle than actually "fixing mistakes" or inequity in the processes. What do you think?

Well, have a good one people.

Dani P


Blogger edieraye said...

I have a sister who is NOT a perfectionist - she gave me a quilt for a graduation gift that has the least straight lines you've EVER seen. But the fact is that she got it done. Me, I have so many half finished projects cluttering up my house. Yeah, if I ever finished them they would be perfect. But the point is that I will never finish them. So I am trying to change. To realize that things don't have to be perfect to be effective, or to keep me warm at night. But I have a long way to go on that journey.

Let's have lunch or dinner soon!

May 12, 2006 11:01 AM  
Blogger CindyDianne said...

Can I go? Huh? Huh? Can I?

Regarding perfectionism. I spent years not letting people come into my house because it wasn't cleaned perfectly. What I learned is that - I wasn't having much fun. When I moved I determined I would never do that, people would be able to come in even when it is dirty (frequently). It's working out much better. I am having more fun and having less stress over it. Although, I do have moments where I have to remind myself of my pledge.

May 15, 2006 9:45 AM  
Blogger Dani_P said...

I hear that! I am having that struggle with our apt now, because it is so small. It always feels cluttered no matter how much I organize. Oh well. When I get perfectionistic about my personal projects, I never get stuff done and they just gets thrown into some storage box somehwere until I eventually discard them. So, I am just trying to simplify. Do less and do it simply so that I can finish it, you know? Anyhow, hope you all are having a good week. Take Care.

May 15, 2006 9:26 PM  

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