Thursday, June 15, 2006

Today's Accomplishments

The things that I will accomplish today:
1. Finish reports and updates for boss.
2. Call old friend who's been MIA for a while.
3. Get some sleep.

Stayed up waaaay too late last night working on some stuff. Got up waaaaay too early this morning to go in early to catch up on stuff. (Last week, I was out for oral surgery--nothing big, just very time consuming). Now, I'm playing catch up. Boo. :( At least I CAN catch up.

Might get my braces off this weekend. Yippee! Will post some pics once they come off. Corn on the cob...well, I could make some comment about it being the first food I eat once the braces go, but truthfully, I figured out how to eat it with braces on. It isn't a pretty site, but it's doable. I guess apples and peaches will be the first thing I eat after these braces come down. Yeah!

Have a good one people.


Blogger edieraye said...

Congrats on the braces. Or lack thereof.

June 17, 2006 10:31 AM  

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